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We offer a range of sponsorship opportunities to suit individuals, small businesses, and corporations and welcome your interest and support. Though the possibilities are endless and can be easily customised to suit, here are a few areas where sponsors can easily leverage our audience and our ongoing creative opportunities:

Exhibition or Event Sponsorship
Opportunities include major exhibition sponsor (e.g. the annual Mission Arts Anniversary Awards Exhibition or the annual FOCUS Photography Awards Exhibition) or specific event sponsorship (e.g. artist in residence, touring theatre or musical performance, children's workshop series).

Award Sponsorship
Specific category award sponsorship for our exhibition prizes (e.g. People's Choice Award, Judge's Choice Award).

In-Kind Sponsorship
Assistance or donation of specific material goods & services (e.g. guest accomodation, event lighting, catering, greenery).

Project Sponsorship
Sponsorship of specific projects (e.g. supplying exterior signage or additional gallery lighting). Project sponsorship can be tailored to clearly align with your business focus and our centre's current needs.

Sponsors receive acknowledgement in various forms including, but not limited to, logo placement (e.g. in Mission Arts newsletters, promotional flyers, social media postings, award certificates), mention in related media releases or news features, and 
verbal introduction and recognition at sponsored exhibitions or events.

Contact Us for more information on these, and other, sponsorship opportunities. We look forward to a creative and mutually beneficial collaboration.

major exhibition sponsors

Mission Arts Anniversary Awards Exhibition

(2011-2017, 2022, 2023, 2024)

FOCUS Photography Awards Exhibition

(2019, 2020, 2021)

FOCUS Photography Awards Exhibition

(2022, 2023, 2024)


Mission Arts Anniversary Awards Exhibition



Mission Arts Anniversary Awards Exhibition

(2018, 2019)