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HomeHonorary Life Members

contribution. commitment. continuity.

Every successful organisation has at its heart the visionaries, the dreamers, the “do-ers”. Those that, sometimes openly, sometimes quietly, have the wherewithal to make things happen. Core members who continually go well beyond the call of duty and unselfishly give their time and their talents for the benefit of the organisation and those it serves. In this respect, Mission Arts is lucky to count itself amongst the most successful of organisations.

To acknowledge and formally recognise these contributions, Mission Arts awards Honorary Lifetime Membership to those members who excel themselves, over time, in their vision, passion and commitment to building and ensuring the ongoing success of our thriving local community arts centre.

To date, eight members have been awarded Honorary Lifetime Membership. The strong foundation and continued success of Mission Arts is a direct result of the countless volunteer hours and wide-ranging contributions of these individuals. Mission Arts is deeply indebted to, and grateful for, their active and ongoing involvement in our organisation.

In recognition of outstanding contribution to the arts and for dedication to the mission and guiding principles of the Mission Beach Community Arts Centre (Mission Arts)

honorary lifetime membership

Lynda Hannah-Williams

Awarded 2015

Suzanne (Sue) Shannon

Awarded 2015

Sally Moroney

Awarded 2018

Wanda Lowe

Awarded 2020

Judith Bowman

Awarded 2020

Carol Giuliany

Awarded 2022

Diana Dade

Awarded 2023

Sue Pullman

Awarded 2023