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HomeStage 2 Building South

Stage 2 Building Programme - Southern Zone

The original 2010 Stage 1 plans envisaged a Sculpture Garden and Amphitheatre within our leased area to the South of the Stage 1 building. So far, only a single sculpture has materialized - the bird bath outside our Shop entrance, while the original 2011 earthworks delivered only a vague outline of the envisaged amphitheatre. It was envisaged that the amphitheatre would provide breakout space for workshops and fixed and flexible seating for outdoor viewing of cinema/theatre performances in 'The Cage' area, along with an entrance path to the centre from the gravel carpark to the south-east of the centre.

Rectify trip hazards [done 2022]

Stage 1, as built, left us with trip hazards at:
- the low retaining wall between our southern concrete apron and our southern lawn, and
- the unfinished gravel path at the south-east corner of the Stage 1 building (Pod 4).

These have since been rectified. Drainage problems to the south of Pod 4 remain.

Other recent improvements have included: landscaping and plantings around the front entrance / birdbath area and upgraded exterior lighting for improved safety and security.

Southern Amphitheatre

The southern amphitheatre would include an expanded flat concrete apron to the south of Pod 4, and the provision of tiered seating steps up to the southern lawn (Sculpture Garden) area.

SK24 showing amphitheatre usage options

Sculpture Garden

A range of designs have been developed for the southern lawn. Key requirement includes safe, direct pathways between the Mission Arts centre and facilities, in particular the toilets, within the MARCS Pavillion building to our south-east.

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