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HomeStage 2 Building Design

concept. enhance. expand.

The original 2010 architectural plans for the Mission Arts centre included plans for a future Stage 2 development, and indeed envisaged a further Stage 3 expansion northwards. Unfortunately, the subsequent construction of the co-located Mission Beach Aquatic Centre has precluded the Stage 3 expansion, with further expansion beyond Stage 2 now limited to eastward expansion beyond the former Girl Guild House, along with a small infill opportunity to the west.

Due to increasing pressure on space, the Stage 2 plans were revisited in 2020, with more detailed Master Plan, needs analysis, design brief and design development plans delivered in 2021, following community and stakeholder consultation and high levels of support for the initiative. The current update to these plans are available here.

The overall Stage 2 programme comprises a number of separable projects that can each be executed individually, progressively as funding opportunities arise, or could be grouped together into a smaller number of larger projects. Grouped by zone, the Stage 2 projects comprise:

Eastern Zone
- Reconfigure Pottery Courtyard [done 2022]
- Separate kiln shed
- Disabled parking
- Disabled access ramp to Stage 2 development

Southern Zone
- Rectify trip hazards [done 2022]
- Southern amphitheatre
- Sculpture Garden

Western Zone
- Integrate Mission Arts and Aquatic Centre entrances
- Extend MA Shop
- Covered entrance walkway

Northern Zone
- Build Pods 6, 7 and 8, including
- Accessible on-site toilet
- Outer Roof, to match existing Stage 1 building
- Additional verandahs

The Mission Arts Stage 2 Building design has been developed with assistance from the Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF), which is a partnership between the Queensland Government and Cassowary Coast Regional Council to support local arts and culture in regional Queensland.


© all building programme content is copyright Mission Arts 2010-2024 and/or Bark Design Pty Ltd 2010-2021 - no copying or distribution without permission